Thursday, May 1, 2014

How to get traffic to your site

Arlene Whiting
CEO Enelra Enterprises
May 1, 2014

 1. Register with Bing webmaster tools and submit your website. The process is similar to Google webmaster tools.

 2. You need to be active on Facebook and Twitter. Bing and Yahoo take into account the number of Facebook likes and tweets that you have on your page. This creates a greater chance of ranking higher in Bing and Yahoo.

 3. Add your website to the Chrome web store (*Cost $5). The Chrome web store is a fantastic source of free traffic. Also there are many webmasters who are not taking advantage of it. It is very easy to add your website to the Chrome store and the traffic you can get is free and continuous.

 4. Create a mobile version of your website. How to go mobile website by Google.

 5. Create an Android native app and publish it to Google Play store.

 6. Make a list of high traffic websites in your niche.

 7. Find out who the editors are of the high traffic websites and follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and   Google+.

 8. Guest post on high traffic websites.

 9. Keep your content up to date. Make a publishing schedule and stick to it.

10. Engage with social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, YouTube, LinkedIn).

*Note the cost may have changed since I got this information on 8/20/2014.

 P.S. Don't forget to like my fanpage

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